القائمة الرئيسية


Love : It is a viable overflowing energy that revolves around the axis of giving and the peak of this energy in love. Its existence depends on the existence of the other. Love has three dimensions: physical, emotional and spiritual. These dimensions must be integrated to ensure its proper orientation

 ? When do I say yes to love 

 When I realize that I am invited to marry and my goal is to form a real union and  partner ship with the life partner ( husband / wife ) in a complete unit   

 When I realize the meaning of true love and this is achieved if I realize the difference between the three Greek expressions in describing love  

 Eros, which means physical love 

 Philly, which means ordinary human love with any person 

 Answer me, which means sacred spiritual love... And that's what true love means 

3-  When I realize the difference between passion and love .. Emotion is are peated action by a person, thing or value . etc. While love is a stable and disciplined sensibility based on mutual giving. Emotion needs three elements to be controlled ( mind + spirit + mentorship and mature experience) .

When I have financial stability and prisoners of the union 
and marriage
When I have school sufficiency, even if it is temporary, and I will not postpone my studies for along time until I complete a specific study, as marriage will be an obstacle to my studies
When I have psychological and emotional stability and the attachment is not an escape from the control of my family or an escape from an emotional, family or material problem or compensation for something
When constitutional redemption, legal tender and the other partner are a priority

Ayman Karam Basili 


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