Art is the message that the United Nations poem says in the sea of human
civilization, and as the great writer Yahya Haqqi says, “Art, above all else, is the symbol of the richness of the soul and its close connection with the universe and life.” There is no transcendence, sophistication, or progress found in the human person or in any country or civilization that has gained prominence and status unless art is an essential component of it. The artist of the word, whether it is written or spoken, poetry, prose, or singing, and the artists of theatre, music, painting, sculpture, and art are people who have crossed a limit, and even added to a certain extent, and have traveled through worlds of imagination to generate through them infinite art that has shaped and drawn the beauty
of life.
It is self-evident that the creator and artist surprises reality and attracts to it every lover of art, and every lover of life, and even every human being with a soul in it. Therefore, with the artist who created and the audience who responded and interacted, the image of reality and life changes and turns into a legacy from which all humanity draws
We are in the image and likeness of God, and God is the unique creator and initiator of all creativity and art. He created the universe in an order and beauty that cannot be photographed, and He created man in the most beautiful, most wonderful, and most precise formation, and He is still creating within man and with man, who is His image through inspiration through the arts. Everything that elevates him and illuminates his life, and the person of Jesus Christ, the perfect God and perfect man in his earthly life, used narrative art and proverbs, as well as the art of wisdom and prose in his sermons to move the listeners from the tangible to the intangible, from the visible to the invisible, and from earthly life. For the life of heaven, the art that Jesus Christ used was a tool for contemplation, contemplation, and change.
With our faith in God, we sought to get closer to Him and bring closer to us everything that He inspired the saints from the writers of the Holy Bible through the arts of praise, hymns, icon art, and sculpture, all of which were means of expressing God’s love and bringing it closer to humans. They were a tool for the message and evangelism, and they were a tool. To change life and grow with the Christian faith, even Pope John Paul II places the artistic legacy inspired by faith in the category of “amazing Christian teaching tools” that the church needs in order to spread the good news entrusted to it by its founder, and “revive the comprehensive message of goodness and beauty.” Indeed, Canadian theologian René Latourelle links the issue of the decline of art in the current era to the issue of the decline of the sense of the divine.
A person’s need for art is like his need for air and water. The human spirit senses art, becomes familiar with it, and converges with it. Therefore, art has the greatest influence on the lives of peoples, directs the course of their lives, and is the source of renaissance and change for the better in the history of humanity. The advancement of art is the path to the advancement of life. Even the Swiss music, Ernst Levy says, “Humanity will begin to improve when we take art as seriously as physics, chemistry, and money.”
Therefore, it is necessary for every person with responsibility and authority to feel that his responsibility is to unleash the creativity and artists in all fields in order to ensure the achievement of renaissance, civilization and achievements at the human level for every citizen and for all of his people to whom he belongs and who has been entrusted with his responsibility. By doing this to encourage the arts, he will ensure a wall of love and freedom that confronts extremism, terrorism, intolerance, racial discrimination, crime, fear, and lack f morals
On the other hand, the
artist and creator has a responsibility in what he presents. He must be fully
aware that good art is not only what it appears in appearance, but rather in
the good change it makes in our lives, and that it must be faithful to the
inspiration God has given it to change the face of the earth and change the
human life of all people. Peoples of the Earth
Ayman Karam Basili
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